音楽:The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[The Earth]←を指定して商品探す /[2007-10-02のランキング]を見る


↓↓↓↓The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi


Album Details
Their second studio album is their most altruistic, enthralling, and skillful work to date. It's built up of synergetic instrumental measures and intense lyrics that flow brilliantly, transcending one song to the next. Having been well-received on tours alongside Circa Survive, Panic! At The Disco, and 30 Seconds To Mars, with appearances on Taste Of Chaos, the Warped Tour, and MTV's $2 Bill Tour, this band is not your typical flash in the pan. Produced by Matt Squire (Panic! At The Disco, Boys Like Girls).

Album Description
Their second studio album is their most altruistic, enthralling, and skillful work to date. It's built up of synergetic instrumental measures and intense lyrics that flow brilliantly, transcending one song to the next. Having been well-received on tours alongside Circa Survive, Panic! At The Disco, and 30 Seconds To Mars, with appearances on Taste Of Chaos, the Warped Tour, and MTV's $2 Bill Tour, this band is not your typical flash in the pan. Produced by Matt Squire (Panic! At The Disco, Boys Like Girls).

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ミュージック:[The Earth Is Shaking を通販で購入する(予約する)]

↓↓↓↓The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi
↑↑↑↑The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

CD 販売のバナー広告



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